• Self-development

    When Boredom meets Anxiety

    The love story of finding balance in what you do. Boredom is an accountant with rich experience in the industry. She has worked for big organizations in various sectors ranging from automobile, electronics, education to NGO. She is also infamous for changing jobs frequently. The longest duration she stays at a workplace is 8 months, none lasts for 1 year. The repeated cycle of joining and quitting is like a curse over her career life since graduation. Her reason for leaving is always the same: “I’m bored”. Anxiety is a chef who runs a small coffee shop downtown. The shop opens from 6 to 2 with a breakfast and lunch…

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  • Mental Health

    How much is the weight of stress?

    Stress is as heavy as holding a glass of water. The longer you hold onto it, the heavier it gets. Stress and its mechanism Are you having insomnia, poor concentration, or feeling anxious, depressed, aggressive? Those are symptoms of stress, a by-product of modern life. Researchers found the recipe for stress over 30 years of experiments. They call it N.U.T.S which stands for Novelty, Unpredictability, Threat to the ego, Sense of Control. When you find yourself in situations with one of these four elements, your body is likely to release stress hormones. It’s a natural “fight or flight” response to perceived threats. This alarm reaction takes energy away from other systems…

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  • Mental Health,  Self-development

    21-day gratitude challenge

    What helps me and my relationship get through the pandemic in 2020? At the start of the pandemic, I didn’t feel its impact on my life just yet. I ate, slept, socialized, and studied as nothing happened. Even though I stayed at home and communicated through a screen, I didn’t feel unhappy or annoyed at the fact. I guessed it was mainly because I was an introvert, I didn’t enjoy going out and socializing that much. However, my boyfriend, an extrovert, was feeling super depressed at that time. We were in an LDR, it was hard not being able to meet each other for a whole year. In an attempt…

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  • Self-development

    Paradox of choice

    Have you ever been stuck in a paradox of choice? Life is a series of decisions. I’m the type of person who can easily get into the mess of an over-thinking habit. I tend to worry too much over a matter. I’m unable to decide because I’m afraid of being wrong. So I often ask around to gather others’ opinions while letting the stress build-up and eventually devour me. It was a vicious cycle that I wandered into and stuck there for a really long time. But then, over some random conversation with a friend, she told me this: “I always have my own opinion, even if I ask someone…

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