
Paradox of choice

Have you ever been stuck in a paradox of choice? Life is a series of decisions.

I’m the type of person who can easily get into the mess of an over-thinking habit. I tend to worry too much over a matter. I’m unable to decide because I’m afraid of being wrong. So I often ask around to gather others’ opinions while letting the stress build-up and eventually devour me.

It was a vicious cycle that I wandered into and stuck there for a really long time. But then, over some random conversation with a friend, she told me this: “I always have my own opinion, even if I ask someone else, the final decision still belongs to me.” I was surprised and asked: “Are you not afraid of choosing the wrong thing?” She replied: “Being wrong is not scary. Being regretful for letting others decide my life for me is.” I was silent after hearing those words. It made me come to an epiphany and realize how much of a coward I was. I abandoned my most basic right since birth, that is the ability to choose and decide what I want to do with my life.

When I was a kid, I made it an excuse for depending on my parents. When I grew up to be an adult, I was still trapped by social standards and others’ expectations. That’s what happens when one doesn’t have high self-awareness. Don’t let education and society decide your identity. What makes you happy and content? You are the only one who can find out and decide for yourself.

Tips: There are 3 ways I regularly use to help me make decision in a dilemma:

  1. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ask yourself the question troubling you and let your inner voice guide you. After that, write everything that came to mind down, try not to correct anything and let your words flow naturally. You will be surprised that you can find a new perspective just by doing this.
  2. Open a random book and let whatever presents itself before you be the guidance. Contemplate on the meaning of it and follow your heart.
  3. Ask for a sign from the universe, be it good or bad, such as repetitive numbers, image or object.

“We all sometimes get confused in our lives. As long as we persevere, the key to our fate will eventually find us.”

The paradox of choice – Unknown.
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A dreamer. A thinker. A wanderer.