
When Boredom meets Anxiety

The love story of finding balance in what you do.

Boredom is an accountant with rich experience in the industry. She has worked for big organizations in various sectors ranging from automobile, electronics, education to NGO. She is also infamous for changing jobs frequently. The longest duration she stays at a workplace is 8 months, none lasts for 1 year. The repeated cycle of joining and quitting is like a curse over her career life since graduation. Her reason for leaving is always the same: “I’m bored”.

Anxiety is a chef who runs a small coffee shop downtown. The shop opens from 6 to 2 with a breakfast and lunch menu. All the foods are prepared by Anxiety with utmost care. He can’t tolerate even a small mistake, therefore, he is always on edge and easily breaks out in outrageous anger. Because of that, his employees come and go quickly. He has a hard time managing both the people and the shop.

One day, Boredom and Anxiety connected through an online dating app. They find interest in one another and quickly go through the process of dating and marrying. Boredom has become Anxiety’s partner and started helping him at his coffee shop in the early mornings before going to her work. Like a miracle, Boredom discovers her passion for making coffee and chatting with customers which lightens her up every day. In the meantime, Anxiety feels relieved that he find a partner with who he can share part of his worries so that he can spend more time creating new recipes. He still freaks out at times when things don’t go his way and they argue like bickering birds, but life still flows and they are still running the shop together.

Boredom has too little fire whereas Anxiety has too much fire. They meet and create a balance called Flow, a state when you do a goal-oriented activity in which you have full attention and control without being distracted from surrounding environments.

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A dreamer. A thinker. A wanderer.